Little Lunchy Foo-Foo

We quickly changed plans, and decided to enjoy fine German fare for our midday feast.
But first, some background about yours truly. I love root beer. Root beer is one of my five favorite things in the WHOLE WORLD. In my mind, it is the most perfect of beverages. I am very particular about root beer, and I really do know what I like. One of my all-time favorites is Sprecher's (which, until recently, was only available at a few bars and restaurants in Chicago; now you can purchase it at Jewel or Binny's).
Anyway, The Berghoff has the BEST ROOT BEER EVER. This stuff comes from the friggin' TAP. It is so smooth, and so delicious.
I had two steins of it with my lunch. I think that equals about seven pounds of sugar.
For my meal, I really couldn't decide between the sauerbraten or wienerschnitzel. I finally decided to go completely nuts, and ordered rabbit.
Yes, rabbit.
It was served in a rich tomato-based sauce, with vegetables and shiitake mushrooms, with mashed potatoes on the side. I had only sampled rabbit once in the past - when I was about eight years old, my stepfather had some rabbit stew at "King Richard's Faire" (which would later become the Bristol Renaissance Fair), and I had a small taste of it.
I liked the Berghoff's rabbit. I don't know what I thought it was going to taste like; to me, it was reminiscent of dark turkey meat, but not nearly as greasy. I couldn't finish it (they gave me two pieces, which I assume you would call "haunches"), so I'll probably be enjoying the leftovers for dinner tonight. But since this blog is about lunch, and not any other meals, I guess you'll never know.
The Berghoff is located at 17 W. Adams. Today's meal cost approximately $22.