Something new - Crepe Cliche

The sandwich I enjoyed is called the Tower. It is a panini featuring beef, turkey, and ham, with mayo and "a hint of celery". The bread was nice and crusty, and just the right amount of dressing. I forgot to ask them to eschew the tomatoes on mine, but their presence didn't mar my enjoyment more than just a trifle. The beef was a little dry, but the ham was superb. Rako had the potato, spinach, and bacon soup, which seemed tasty, but I'm not one to put words in someone else's mouth.
Crepe Cliche is a little frou-frou in decoration, but Rako decided that the free wifi more than countered the oddly-shaped tables. They really have to do something about the trash recepticles; the hinged door for the trash is far too narrow, making it incredibly difficult to deposit your refuse without having to actually put your hands into the garbage. Not good.
Crepe Cliche is located at 300 S. Wacker Dr. Today's meal cost $5.75.
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